Kelly Field – Avondale, LA
Saturday September 10th, 2022
- Anything Flies
- $20.00 Landing Fee for Pilots
- Must have current AMA to fly
- Lunch and Drinks available on site
- Spectators encouraged to come out – Free!
Bring what you have for sale or swap. We hope to see you there!
You’re welcome to come back on Sunday September 11th and fly with us.
If you are traveling from I-10 East,exit Clearview Pkwy south to the Huey P Long bridge.Go Over the bridge and continue on to Hwy 90 towards Avondale, La. Look for Avondale Garden Road on the left by the Suburban Hotel Suites and Waffle House.Turn left down the rock road for 2 miles and you will see the entrance gate on the right heading into the field.
If you are traveling from I-10 West,exit I-310 south towards Boutte and Houma, La. Continue on I-310 and you will cross the river on the Luling bridge towards Hwy 90. Turn left on Hwy 90 towards Avondale, La for about 16 miles. You will then see the new Racetrack store on the right, then turn right onto Avondale Garden Road (rock road) continue down road for 2 miles until you see the field on the right.
Directions offered by Google.
We invite (and welcome) all AMA Pilots to come out to the field and fly with us! We are always seeking pilots and potential pilots to join in the fun and exhilaration of the model aviation experience.
For more information, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you at the field!
Originally posted 2022-08-22 10:46:06.